We are proud to introduce you the stories about brave entrepreneurs, including the UCU Lviv Business School (LvBS)’s graduates, who openheartedly share how they managed to outlive the crisis or even start their own business in the most disadvantageous times.
Oleksandr Penkivsky is the owner of the “City Café” restaurant chain (Ternopil), which consists of five restaurants. Oleksandr opened the last two while studying at the UCU Business School. During the entire period of the Сorona crisis all the chain full-time employees managed to hold down their jobs.
Rostyslav Kulyk, CEO and founder of the “Gastroli.ua” ticket service, shared his own business experience, the challenges he faced during the pandemic, and how, in his opinion, the event industry will recover after the Corona crisis.
Olena Sozanska is the founder of the «Smart Space» project. For seven years she managed «Taor Karpaty Resort & SPA» hotel complex and started her own family business during the pandemic. She spoke about her experience on how to start a business during the Corona crisis and shared her thoughts about the changes in corporate culture in post-Covid world.